About SEND Advocacy

Together, we can help you access the life-changing support that your child needs to flourish.
Your child deserves the chance to achieve their learning potential and the opportunity to thrive in an educational environment that’s right for them. We work with families of children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) to secure the correct provision and education to which they are legally entitled.
We're also empowering parents and carers with our SEND Advocacy Academy (coming soon), an online course designed to equip parents and carers with the knowledge and tools needed to confidently navigate the SEND system.
Ready to learn more? Book a free consultation or explore the Academy today.

“I set up SEND Advocacy to use my professional expertise and personal experience to support families in removing barriers to education for children and young people with SEND. If you are struggling with the SEND system, or want independent and impartial advice, then contact us today”.
​Alice holds law degrees from the Universities of Oxford and Toronto. She practiced as a Barrister specialising in civil litigation for almost a decade before focusing on SEND law and practice. She successfully advocated for her eldest son (who is autistic and has ADHD), securing a place at an independent specialist provision.
Alice has considerable experience of supporting parents and carers to navigate the complex SEND system. She has given evidence to committees on SEND issues both locally and nationally and has delivered training on SEND to Multi Academy Trusts (MAT) and is a trustee of a SEND Charity.
Director: Alice Marshment
Education Law Association member