SEND Advocacy Services

We provide independent, expert advice and advocacy across all aspects of special educational needs and disability (SEND) law for children and young people from 0-25 years. Our services include advice on annual reviews, exclusions, transport, disability discrimination, and appeals to and from the SEND Tribunal. We also offer representation at tribunal hearings and mediations.
In addition, we're proud to introduce our upcoming SEND Advocacy Academy which is designed to equip parents and carers with the knowledge and tools needed to confidently navigate the SEND system.
If you need additional advice or advocacy support that isn’t listed here, contact us for a fee-free consultation.

Advice and Advocacy

Below you can find details of our most popular services and standard costs. We offer bespoke packages (e.g., drafting Grounds of Appeal, reviewing and advising on expert reports) at an hourly rate of £150. We aim to be accessible and affordable and are happy to discuss specific payment terms upon request.

Initial Case Review
An expert case review can ensure you present a comprehensive, considered and complete case for your child. We will review all existing information related to your child’s case (please send copies not original documents) and provide written advice specific to your child’s circumstances. Our review will provide detailed feedback on the strengths and weaknesses of your case and any existing evidence, consideration of further evidence required and how to obtain it; advice on next steps and the best strategy to adopt when pursuing these. It’s a crucial first step in securing the correct provision for your child and provides you with the information you need to make informed decisions.
£450 - £900
(depending on complexity)
EHCNA Request
An Education and Health Care Needs Assessment (EHCNA) is the first step in obtaining an Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP) for your child. We can help you draft a compelling and comprehensive request for you to send to your local authority that gives you the best chance of success. If the request is accepted, the Local Authority will begin the Needs Assessment process. If the request is refused, the contents of the request can be used to form the basis of a Refusal to Assess (RTA) Appeal.
£450 - £900
(depending on complexity)
EHCNA Refusal to Assess Appeal
An EHCNA refusal isn’t the end of the process. We can prepare all necessary documents to submit the appeal, including (but not limited to) reviewing and advising with respect to law, evidence and tactics. We provide continued advice and support throughout the appeal process, including liaising and negotiating with the FTT SEND ("the SEND Tribunal"), school and local authority as appropriate. Attendance at formal mediation is available at additional cost.
From £750
Please ask for details
(depending on complexity)

Draft EHCP Review
We will review and provide advice on the quality and enforceability of a draft EHCP. We pay special attention to sections B (Educational Needs), F (Educational Provision) and I (Placement). Our review can also include section C (Health Needs) and G (Health Provision) and D (Social Care Needs) and H (Social Care Provision) if required.
£450 - £900
(depending on complexity)
EHCP Refusal to Issue Appeal
If your EHCP is refused, we can prepare all documents required for your appeal, as well as advising on the law and making recommendations as to evidence and tactics. You’ll benefit from professional advice and support throughout the appeal process, including liaising and negotiating with the FTT SEND ("the SEND Tribunal), witnesses and the local authority as appropriate. Attendance at tribunal hearing is charged separately at £1,800 per day pro rata.
From £1,500
please ask for details
(final cost depends on time taken and complexity)
EHCP Content Appeal (B/F/I)
We can prepare all documents required to submit the appeal, including (but not limited to), reviewing and advising with respect to law, evidence and tactics, drafting the Grounds of Appeal and advising on and amending the Working Document. Continued advice and support throughout the appeal process, including liaising and negotiating with the FTT SEND ("the SEND Tribunal"), school(s), witnesses and the local authority as appropriate, up to the date the Final Hearing Bundle is due (for the original Final Hearing Date). Work after this time is charged separately as part of the Hearing Attendance Fee of £1,800 per day pro rata, or as otherwise agreed. We do not offer attendance at tribunal except for existing clients or those previously in receipt of Legal Help. Additional costs may apply to appeals involving health and/or social care aspects and/or where the hearing is adjourned on or close to the original Final Hearing date.
From £1,500
please ask for details
(final price depends on time taken and complexity)

Education Law Association member
All SEND Advocacy Services
Annual Reviews
Disability Discrimination
Appeals from the SENDIST tribunal
Representation at SENDIST Appeals for Legal Help Clients